Lemala Camps
P.O.Box 14529, Arusha. Tanzania.
Lemala Camps
P.O.Box 14529, Arusha. Tanzania.
Tanzania has great appeal for families. Seeing animals is very exciting for children, and nothing can prepare a parent for the delight of watching their child’s reaction when they catch sight of a lion, giraffe or elephant for the very first time. But small kids can get bored and restless on long drives or around camp if they are not entertained. Lemala Cubs offers our special guests under the age of 12 a wide range of wonderful opportunities to experience and enjoy the magic of the African bush. These activities are fun, educational and interesting, subtly showing future generations the need to conserve Africa’s wildlife, and of course giving mum and dad time to relax.
Lemala Cubs activities may include identifying animals and birds, learning how to throw (blunt) spears and using bows and arrows often taught by a Maasai warrior, being taught tracking and spoor identification techniques by our guides, walking with the Maasai to hear stories about their culture and way of life in the bush, and even joining the chefs in the kitchen to prepare meals or roasting marshmallows over the campfire before bed.